The test is reliable, anonymous, is performed in a few moments using a blood drop from a prick of your fingertip, and provides results very quickly. Only in the event of a positive result, the test must be confirmed with a venous sampling test at a city hospital, where you will go by a facilitated route.
The Test in the City project is organised in partnership with the Italian Fast-Track Cities network, and it is aimed at migrant populations and those facing substance addictions.
Taking the test is simple and can make a difference to your health.
On this site you will find useful information, cities and scheduled appointments to take the test.
That they can be treated! But to avoid health consequences, one needs to know if one is get infected. People with hepatitis B, hepatitis C or become infected with HIV may ignore it and find out after many years1-3.
Instead, it is important to know as early as possible because today there are therapies that prevent these diseases from progressing and worsening, as in the case of hepatitis B and HIV, and also allow one to be cured, as in the case of hepatitis C1-3. Being treated also means not transmitting the disease to other people1-3.
To know this, simply take the test. The test is quick: you get the results in a very short time. It is anonymous: only you will know the result of the test. It is free and, if necessary, you will be put directly in touch with the city hospital that will take care of you.
Testing. Treat.
The hepatitis B virus can most commonly be transmitted from mother to child at birth, through sexual intercourse and blood from infected persons2. The infection is widespread throughout the world, with Africa and south-east Asia being the most common areas. Available therapies do not eliminate the virus, but avoid the serious consequences that can occur if the disease becomes chronic, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer2. There is a vaccine that prevents infection and also protects against hepatitis Delta2,4. Hepatitis Delta only occurs in patients with hepatitis B4. There are drugs that are also effective against this disease, which is considered the most severe form of chronic hepatitis4.
Hepatitis C virus is an inflammatory disease that, if it becomes chronic, progressively destroys liver cells until it leads to serious consequences, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer3. The virus is transmitted through contact with infected blood, less easily by sexual contact or from an infected mother to her child at birth3. The infection is widespread throughout the world, especially in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and West Africa. Today, there are very effective therapies that can eliminate the virus and cure 95% of cases. There is no vaccine against HCV3.
This is the virus that can cause AIDS, a serious infectious disease1. HIV is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk of infected people, at any age, and is capable of reducing the human defenses against other infections and diseases1. There is no vaccine that protects against HIV but very effective drugs that block the virus1; although treatment does not eliminate the virus from the body, those who take it regularly do not develop AIDS and do not transmit HIV to other people1.
it's free, quick and anonymous
Med Point Srl
Via G.B. Giorgini, 16 - 20151 Milano
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Screening project
and linkage to care
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